17 de julho de 2008

40IADE40UNIDCOM - 5th International Conference 1,2,3, October, 2009 IADE

Will be forty years old next year and Unidcom/IADE will organise its fifth international conference. Amazing events are ahead.
We are calling for papers yet to be written, yet to be challenged, yet to be invented mostly about Design but also in the areas IADE grew expertise such as: Marketing and Advertising; Visual Arts; Photography. From these, a myriad of themes and sub themes ramify from the higher Parnassus of Art Studies to Vulcan’s Engineering Design. Meet us in the first week of October 2009.
You will find a rich environment for exchanging ideas and the perfect people to party with. Go with no dismay, immodestly, promptly, swiftly, arrogantly or simply to www.iade.pt/40iade40 and see how to participate.

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