28 de maio de 2009

Sabiam que # músicos têm memória acima da média?

Um estudo recente revelou que os músicos possuem capacidades de memória, não apenas verbal mas também visual, acima da média. Os resultados revelaram ainda que, os músicos apresentam níveis de aprendizagem superiores e taxas de esquecimento mais baixas do que o comum.

Os autores do estudo sugerem que o treino exigido pela música faz aumentar o desempenho da memória, por vezes, graças ao uso de estratégias de memorização eficazes como o agrupamento de informação (chunking).


INTEREST IN STUDYING THE EFFECTS of extensive music training on nonmusical perceptual and cognitive abilities has grown in recent years. Here, we present evidence that formal music instruction is associated with superior verbal and visual memory. Participants included 15 highly trained pianists and 21 individuals with little or no formal music training. The groups were comparable in terms of age, gender distribution, and socioeconomic status. Musicians showed superior immediate and delayed recall of word lists and greater use of a semantic clustering strategy during initial list-learning than nonmusicians. They also exhibited superior learning, delayed recall, and delayed recognition for visual designs. Group differences in delayed free recall of both words and designs persisted after controlling statistically for estimated Full Scale IQ. These results suggest that extensive music training is associated with a generalized enhancement of auditory and visual memory functions.

Jakobson, L., Lewycky, S., Kilgour, A., & Stoesz, B. (2008). Memory for Verbal and Visual Material in Highly Trained Musicians Music Perception, 26 (1), 41-55 DOI: 10.1525/mp.2008.26.1.41

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